Your Legal Nurse Consultant and Nurse Testifying Expert Needs!
Why hire a Legal Nurse Consultant or Nurse Testifying Expert?
Hiring a Legal Nurse Consultant or Nurse Testifying Expert should be the first task of an attorney that handles Malpractice, Personal Injury, Toxic Tort, Criminal, Product Liability, and Worker’s Compensation cases. A Legal Nurse Consultant or Nurse Testifying Expert can provide services that save the attorney time and money that can be applied to other needs of the case. Consultants work behind the scenes as an extensive resource. Testifying Experts testify pertaining to their specialty.
Our Services
Consulting Service
Consultants work behind the scenes to provide objective medical and nursing opinions as the expert of health, illness and injury and the inner workings of the healthcare system.
Consultant services include, but are not limited to:
-Screening of Medical Malpractice, Toxic Tort, Personal Injury, Criminal, Product Liability, and Worker’s Compensation cases for merit.
-Summarize, translate, interpret and organize massive amounts and complex volumes of medical records
-Define Standards of Care
-Literature Research
-Deviation from or adherence to Standards of Care (Malpractice Cases only)
-Interview Clients and Key Witnesses
-Attend Depositions, Trials, Review Panels and Arbitration, and Medical Hearings
-Assist with preparing Interrogatories
-Assist with preparing Deposition Questions
-Assist with preparing Trial Questions
-Assist with Exhibit preparation
-Coordinate and attend Independent Medical
-Recommendation of additional witnesses, defendants, and/or plaintiffs
-Locate Testifying Experts
-Write Written Reports upon request after case screening has been performed by one of our professionals.
Written Reports
A Written Report is used to educate the attorney so they can decide on the next step in a case.
Written Reports may summarize the following information:
-Summarize, translate, Interpret and organize massive amounts and complex volumes of medical records
-Expert depositions and reports
-Witness depositions
-Meetings with experts and witnesses
-Medical Research
-and more…
Types of Reports
Brief Report: 1-15 pages
Moderate Report: 16-50 pages
Comprehensive Report: greater than 50 pages
Format options are Narrative, Outline, Chronological Timeline, Tables, Charts and Graphs, or a combination of all.
*Written Reports can be requested after a case has been screened by one of our professionals.
Testifying Expert
Nurse Testifying Experts educate the attorney and testify at a deposition or trial pertaining to their specialty.
Testifying Expert services include:
-Screening of Medical Malpractice, Toxic Tort, Personal Injury, Criminal, Product Liability, and Worker’s Compensation cases for merit.
-Educating Attorney, Jury, and Judge with testimony.
-Define Standards of Care
-Locate Testifying Experts
-Write Brief Reports upon request after case screening has been performed by one of our professionals.